On The Importance and Peril Of Solitude

11:16 AM 0 Comments

Sometimes it seems like I'm just phoning it in with these blog entries. Sure, I post a picture every day, but do I ever truly interact with anybody? Not really.

Like most artists, I'm mentally a loner. I had the feeling since I was a teenager starting on my first book that my art would always be number one in my life.

So, having those feelings, over the course of the last decade I subconsciously pushed away many people. People who were willing to talk, people who were willing to listen, people who were just THERE.

I focused on my craft. I grew as an artist. Managed to even get married and have two awesome kids. Now I'm part of something, an actual contributing factor. Not just in my life, but in the lives of others.

I spent a lot of time creating artwork over the years that no one will ever see except for those of you who brave this narrow expanse of the internets. That's the one good thing about my pseudo self-exile. I was able to create. Truly create. Without the influence of others work or feedback.I've got roughly 4000+ individual pieces of art nowadays but have only shared a small fraction of that with others.

So now I post one of these images a day as I see it as the easiest way to interact with all of you. I have to admit, even when sharing I am secretive, though. I've traditionally posted pieces of art with no title, no backstory. Nothing but the day which I happen to choose to post.

I used to think I did that intentionally to "let the art speak for itself". That's all bullshit in the end though. I never really knew what to say. Just another socially awkward artistic asshole out romaing the world.

I'm gonna change that though. Get out more. Interact more. Hang with old friends. Tell the story of my work. And I start with this. "Hi."