Doctor Who Season 7 Preview Trailer

12:35 AM , , 0 Comments

Now that the Doctor Who convention is all wrapped up, the BBC has seen fit to "officially" release the trailer that's been floating around the net for the last week or so. It's got cyborg cowboys, guns, snow, and is that a Dalek? Yup. Sure is.

Looks like the trailer itself is spliced from two episodes, though where the featured episodes fall in the season is anyone's guess right now.

I am really excited for the next series of Doctor Who as we head into the show's 50th anniversary. Showrunner Stephen Moffet has seemingly wrapped up many of the story lines surrounding the mystery of River Song and the "Romance of the Ponds", and it appears as though anything can truly happen this season. With the expected departure of the Amy and Rory in Episode 6 of the forthcoming season, it seems that the show will "regenerate" (Ahem!) itself once more.

There are so many paths the show can take now. As long as we get the answer to the oldest question in the universe (Doctor Who?), I'll be happy. Though I have to admit to a bit of trepidation as to what the answer to that question might be.

It has already been announced that the NEW companion for the Doctor going forward will be Jenna Louise Coleman, who recently played the part of one of Bucky Barnes' lady friends in "Captain America: The First Avenger".

As far as the rumor mill is concerned, it is widely speculated that the Master will make an appearance in the 50th anniversary episode played by "Sherlock Homes" star Benedict Cumberpatch. If this is true, I sincerely hope that John Simm makes a return appearance as the Master before this regeneration. John is a fantastic actor and I believe he truly brought out the crazy in his portrayal of the Master.

Only time will tell I guess. Though that can always be re-written.