POTD [04-06-12]

1:57 AM , 0 Comments

World's Finest. Arkham City Style.

I was pretty pleased with how this turned out. After doing a "Batman" photoshoot in an attempt to emulate the style of the B&W "Arkham City" advertisements and promos, I simply couldn't resist trying to create the same feel with DC Comic's true "Dynamic Duo" 
(Screw Robin. Except for Tim Drake. He's a badass.)

The only issue I really had was choosing which Superman figure to use for the shoot. I ultimately went the the "Last Son" version of the character for the shoot as it played up Supe's physical stature and looked right at home with my Neal Adams Batman figure. There are alternate versions as well that include tests with other various Supermen.

Maybe I'll post em up at SPYDER ACIDBURN's Action Figure Photography Blog eventually...