Android Wallpaper - 8-Bit Cityscape

11:21 PM , 0 Comments

I got a little bored at work the other day and was looking for a new cool background for my phone. I found a version of this piece using the Zedge app. I really liked the image but the broken up structure of the buildings created an odd interference with my widgets and apps. So I ran the image through an editing app ( I don't remember which. There are so many out there now its ridiculous.) and added a tilt shift effect to the image to create a localized guassian blur on the buildings. After that, I made a few edits to make the bottom portion come into sharp detail, and VOILA!, here ya go... 

All credit to original artist, 8-bit is hard to pull of just right and it takes talent. The Zedge app didn't tell me who you are. But, thank you and I appreciate your work!