Danke! Gracias! Cпасибо! Thanks!

1:00 AM , 0 Comments

     Thanks to everyone who's checked out my little corner of the internet thus far. I was adamant for years about never having a blog as I saw the concept of blogging as little more having than an online diary. I'm glad to admit I was wrong. I've gotten more attention focused on my work with this blog than in YEARS of using other forms of getting my art out there. 

Here's a quick rundown of a few things I've personally considered to be good accomplishments.

  • Addition of the "Action Figure Photography" Blog after positive feedback on early Action Figure related posts. This also helps me limit the number of Action Figure Photos on the main blog so I can focus efforts on my main works, be they traditional or digital.
  • Addition of the "Zazzle Product" Blog as a way to keep abreast of the latest creations over at my Zazzle Store, as well as any promo codes or discounts.
  • Interconnected the Navigation Bar links on all 3 blogs. Emulated the same design elements across all three sites, with amicable success. As of right now, only the layout used is different between the sites.
  • Received 2,250 views in the two months we've been up. [All three blogs combined] Sadly, and yet happily, that is only 475 pageviews away from the amount of people who've seen my DeviantArt page over the last 6 [SIX!] years. 

     These may be small numbers compared to the many memes or Justin Bieber tweets out there, but they are significant to me. Since this isn't DeviantArt, my every post isn't being shoved in someones face as they browse. So people who have visited did so because they probably saw something they liked. Maybe it's just the pride I take in my work (even though I haven't even gotten to post more than .01 of it yet), but I really appreciate people checking out my stuff. I just want it to be SEEN. I just don't want to die and be the only person ever to experience them.

     I hope some of you have enjoyed seeing random pieces of my artwork in my "Pic of the Day" [POTD] posts. I'm knocking some feature ideas around for you guys, but I'm still new to this and getting my feet wet in the Blogosphere (Is that still a thing?) Please check back every so often if you like the site and THANK YOU.